Sunday, October 7, 2012

Coaching Creativity

As I get remotivated to continue working on my second book as well as the many other projects that I juggle on a daily basis, I'm reminded of my conversations on keeping a job as opposed to creating one. Some of us are great career builders, others of us have to figure it out. Furthermore, the economic standings of today are forcing some of us to create. So I'm here to encourage us to do just that, CREATE! Don't wait for that pink slip before you start following your passion. Don't wait until the bills pile up, the creditors are calling and you're having sleep for dinner. CREATE! Determine what you love and start figuring out how to go for it.

I love coaching so let's do a virtual coaching session to determine how we can be more creative.

  1. What do you really love to do? Or restated, what would you do that you love without being paid for it? I may be hurting myself with this statement but I love dj'ing and have been doing it for the love since day one. Yes I have been paid to dj, but it's my passion and I would do it without being paid. (Shhhh, don't tell the promoters or club owners =)
  2. Are you good at doing what you love? Are you good enough to charge for your services or products?
  3. Who is doing what you love and getting paid for it? If they're doing it, do you think you can do it?
  4. So what's stopping you?
Simplistic thinking perhaps, but that is the point. Try to keep it simple. Often our minds will throw up hurdles that make us pause (hem and haw) instead of moving full steam ahead (scurrying). Don't listen to ALL those voices in your head, some of them whisper frustration, desperation and insanity. Listen to the angels whispering for you to follow your dreams because all of them are rooting for your success. CREATE!!

Until next time, let's build empires together!